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The 40th Session of ISLI has started!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

The 40th Session of ISLI has started!

Sunday, March 3rd. ISLI has officially begun: all the participants have arrrived and the Open Ceremony took place. After the Ceremony, the color groups got to know each other during the Ice Breakers.

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Welcome Mattis from Germany
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Mattis from Germany

Today we are welcoming Mattis Lieberman to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Mattis and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Student Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Zsófia from Hungary
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Zsófia from Hungary

Today we are welcoming Zsófia Stéfely to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Zsófia and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Student Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Martin from Czech Republic!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Martin from Czech Republic!

Today we are welcoming Martin Szkandera to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Martin and his aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Nat(alie) from Czech Republic!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Nat(alie) from Czech Republic!

Today we are welcoming Natálie Thea Linhartová to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Natalie and his aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Julia from Germany!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Julia from Germany!

Today we are welcoming Julia Tadros to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Julia and his aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Ayse from The Netherlands!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Ayse from The Netherlands!

Today we are welcoming Ayse Smeulders to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Ayse and his aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Ioannis from Sweden!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Ioannis from Sweden!

Today we are welcoming Ioannis Tsaousis Tonits to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Ioannis and his aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Helena from Finland!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Helena from Finland!

Today we are welcoming Helena Kuronen to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Helena and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Floor from The Netherlands!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Floor from The Netherlands!

Today we are welcoming Floor Van der Aalst to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Floor and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Diana from Belgium!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Diana from Belgium!

Today we are welcoming Diana Dima to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Diana and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Birte from Belgium!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Birte from Belgium!

Today we are welcoming Birthe Thys to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Birte and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Aada from Finland!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Aada from Finland!

Today we are welcoming Aada Lehtoniemi to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Aada and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Femke from The Netherlands!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Femke from The Netherlands!

Today we are welcoming Femke van de Vijver to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Femke and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Welcome Cora from Denmark!
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Welcome Cora from Denmark!

Today we are welcoming Cora Fee Parohl to ISLI 2024. Here, you can read more about Cora and her aspirations to our next edition of the International Leadership Institute.

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Navigating the Future: ISLI 2024 Celebrates 40 Years of Leadership
Elian Pergola Elian Pergola

Navigating the Future: ISLI 2024 Celebrates 40 Years of Leadership

In anticipation of ISLI 2024's 40th anniversary, a new era unfolds with a revamped website, symbolizing our commitment to dynamic leadership education. Beyond the celebratory milestones, this year embodies resilience and adaptability. Elian, a former Senior Regent, adds a digital touch to our endeavors, steering ISLI into the digital age. As we countdown to the anniversary, ISLI embraces change, nurturing leaders who will illuminate the path forward. Join us on this transformative journey towards the next four decades and beyond.

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