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“The unexpected surprise of ISLI” by Aada Lehtoniemi -Regents Column
In her own words, Aada Lehtoniemi, the vibrant participant from Finland, shares unexpected highlights and heartwarming experiences from her ISLI journey. From the extraordinary atmosphere in the conference room to surprisingly embracing the Olympics, Aada's reflections provide a unique glimpse into the magic of ISLI and the friendships that make it unforgettable.

“A journey through a notebook” by Julia Trudos - Regents’ Column
I can’t really conceive the idea that I first went to ISLI this year. It feels like a decade has passes since, yet I still hold the experience dearly in my heart. Before I came to ISLI, I bought a notebook thinking I would use it to note down presentation topics and themes. Don’t get me wrong – I did note stuff down. But I only did that during the time we were actually working on the presentations and their matter. Instead, that notebook became kind of a journal for me.