The 2025 Issues Forum


Senior Regents Zsófia Stefely from Hungary and Birte Thys from Belgium will proudly host this year’s Issues Forum. They have some information to share with you, before you attend ISLI.

What is the Issues Forum?

The International Student Leadership Institute is all about how to prepare yourself for leadership. That is why every year our Senior Regents host the Issues forum. During this session, all ISLI participants will be able to share their opinion on its topic and go into debate with each other. Via this page, you will learn more about this years topic.

“To what extent does nature and nurture shape our identity?”

This is the main question of debate.

We ask you to think about this question. In order for you to be able to find out which point of view you share, you will find some subquestions below. These are related to the main question and can help you to figure out how you think about the Issues Forum.

What could be part of your identity?

This subquestion encourages you to list aspects that make up your personal identity, based on your idea of ‘identity’.

  • Which characteristics define you?

  • Are these social aspects or rather cultural values or personal choices?

  • Have these parts of your identity changed over time?

What is identity?

This question asks you to reflect on the concept of identity itself. It involves considering what ‘identity’ means to you.

  • Is identity the characteristics that define who we are?

  • Does it include our personality, values, or physical traits?

  • Think about whether identity is fixed or if it can change over time.

Which of these parts of your identity do you perceive as derriving from nature or nurture?

This question dives into the "nature vs. nurture" debate. We ask you to reflect on the the aspects of identity:

  • Nature: traits we inherit from our ancestors

  • Nurture: refers to the environmental factors, such as upbringing, culture, education, and life experiences

To help you answer the questions,
Senior Regents Birte and Zsófia have prepared a read-list for you.

Prepare yourself for debate.

Use the articles, video’s,… shared below to inform yourself about the Issues Forum topic.
They are divided in some categories. We advise you carefully to read at least one article/video per categorie. Of course, reading more will give you an advantage.

What is identity?



Nature v. Nurture

Leadership and identity


Frequently Asked Questions
about the Issues Forum

  • That’s what this page is all set up for: all the articles, video’s and other content shared with you above are meant to help you with the Issues Forum. Every year, our Senior Regents make a selection of some informational content that they use to make their presentation with. It is higly advised to read/watch as many of the information shared above to better understand the topic of this year’s Issues Forum.

  • Yes, it is. All sessions are obligatory for all participants. The Issues Forum is the highlight of the International Student Leadership Institute’s forum. During this coming together, you will be able to excel in the leadershipskills that have been taught to you throughout the week.

  • The Issues Forum historically takes place on Wednesday at ISLI. During this forum everyone will come together to share their leadership experiences with all their colleagues.

  • No, it is not obligatory to write anything as a task for the Issues Forum. We only ask you to come prepared to ISLI and to its Issues Forum. All the articles, video’s and such above are meant to help you to understand the topics better. Of course, if you wish to write something down, we are happy to read it and you may always share it with

  • Every year the debate is different. It is important to know your opinion about the topic so that you are able to go into discussion with others about it. During the Issues Forum you are supposed to have arguments on why you think how you think. The articles shared with you are supposed to help you find your voice.