The 40th Session of ISLI has started!
Today is the day. We are kicking off the 40th Session of the International Student Leadership Institute Tonight and we are finally being able to meet you. Through our Instagram page, we saw that you were excited as well. We love if you tag us ( so we can connect with you. Let’s take a look at how our very first encouter was.
First of all.. don’t our Regents look great? They are our examples, they are our leaders: they run ISLI!
The first schools started arriving around 12.00 - well actually, the very first were the Hungarians who arrived Saturday already. It was exciting, because the Regents were welcoming them and helping with their lugage, or getting them from the train station in Oberwesel.
Around 18.00, it was almost full house in the Youth Hostel. We were getting ready for dinner, because after dinner the Opening Ceremony was finally taking place. It were Diana and Ioannis who hosted the Opening Ceremony and officially welcomed our new generation of student leaders.
Before the Opening Ceremony started, the Regents actually introduced themselves to the color group facilitators and observers. The Regents, the Facilitators and the Observers have one goal in common and that is to give you guys - the participants - the best week ever. To have these shared values aligned, they catch up with each other every now and then during the week so that they know where you are at.
After the Opening Ceremony it was time for the Regents to get to know you. For the Ice Breakers the Regents came up with some fun games to play with your color group and to literally break the ice. We have heard that already some of the color groups came up with a great, recognizable nickname… We are curious what they are going to be.
After the Ice Breakers, the Regents got to gather for the first Regents’ Wrap-Up of the week. Every day at the end of the day, the Regents will receive feedback from both the color group facilitators and the participants in order for them to improve the programme even more the day after.
Are you curious where it will bring them? Tomorrow the first day of presentations will take place and the Regents are excited to kick-off the leadership workshops: this is what they have been working on for months.
Would you like to be updated? Every day, during ISLI, you will receive the latest updates from the day before right in your inbox. The only thing you would have to do, is subscribe to our newsletter!
Sleep tight!